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Food in Focus

in Spring 2018 by

Food-related events and activities are popping up everyday at Park. Our community is learning about the important role that food plays in so many facets of our lives. The new Outdoor Learning Garden provides a daily reminder of the value that Park places on local food, sustainability, health, and wellness.

During the harvest season, students of all ages had opportunities to visit the garden and incorporate the wide array of learning that the garden provides. In its first year, the garden has already become an outdoor classroom and enhanced existing curriculum initiatives: Kindergarteners worked in the pollinator garden, third graders harvested native edibles, and fourth graders created mushroom logs.  After a busy fall full of growing, harvesting, cooking, and learning, Park’s Outdoor Learning Garden will soon reawaken in time for spring and more classroom initiatives. Of course, Chef Anthony and the kitchen staff will continue to bring the garden into the Dining Room by incorporating ingredients whenever possible. (Chef Anthony used fresh kale from the Outdoor Learning Garden for his Quinoa, Kale & Avocado Salad. Click here for the recipe.)

Ask your children what they’ve done in the garden and stay tuned for more communication about other food-related and wellness initiatives happening at Park!


  • The Park Perspectives Editorial Board

    The parent volunteers on the Park Perspectives Editorial Board write articles on current events at the School and matters of interest to the Park community for this quarterly newsletter. We are always looking to grow our team of volunteer writers and photographers. If you are interested in learning more, please contact TheParkParent@parkschool.org

The parent volunteers on the Park Perspectives Editorial Board write articles on current events at the School and matters of interest to the Park community for this quarterly newsletter. We are always looking to grow our team of volunteer writers and photographers. If you are interested in learning more, please contact TheParkParent@parkschool.org