Volunteering at Park is Not a Thankless Job

in Winter 2022-23 by

As we enter a week where many of us will participate in the tradition of expressing thanks, we thought it would be a great opportunity to stealthily recruit additional volunteers for the school under the guise of an article about gratitude. With this mission in mind, we set up a table at the most recent Park PA meeting to recruit anecdotes about why our fellow volunteers are glad they volunteer. We’re going to share their words below, and in all seriousness, we do welcome more volunteers!

The Park PA has volunteers with all different types of availability and things they offer. You can be an event planner for a day with the Faculty and Staff appreciation breakfasts. Learn your way around the school by becoming an Admissions Tour Guide and check the “secret” lost and founds in various stairwells on your way out. Volunteer from home by writing an article for this publication and perhaps get a chance to interview a faculty or staff member who has impacted your child’s life. Join the Community Speakers committee and get a chance to bring in experts on a topic where you maybe-sort-of could use some advice.

It might be easier to commit than you think! There are library volunteers who share their time slot with other guardians so it’s a manageable commitment. One-time opportunities like the pumpkin bread drive and extra hours in the library or at an event also exist. Check out the PA section of the Park Portal; you’ll be thankful you’ve joined us!

In their own words…

“One of my favorite PA memories is pivoting Springfest during Covid. PA members spent the day outside on my deck packing more than 500 “Springfest at Home” kits for every student. We were up to our ears in Park green tie dye t-shirts!” -Angela Smith (PA Advisor, Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon)

“Volunteering with other parents builds connection to our school community. Touring prospective parents is both an opportunity to highlight and faster that connection with incoming families and an amazing window into the learning and work our children are doing in school.” -Cyd Jeyes (Affinity Group Chair, Parent Tour Guide, Faculty Grants)

“I had my three kids (ages 6, 3, and 3) lined up in the kitchen to help prepare twelve loaves of pumpkin bread. It was so much fun with the opportunity to talk about why we were doing it and what’s behind the giving spirit. Then Lily (Grade 1) got to help deliver them at school.” -Dahlia Cop (Pumpkin Bread Drive) 

“This has been a great way to meet some new people and learn more about all that goes into building this incredible community!” –Sarah Munchey (Park Speakers Committee)

“There’s nothing quite like arriving to the school at 6:30 a.m. – in your sweats and cup of coffee in hand – and teaming up with fellow volunteers to set up for an appreciation breakfast. It’s fun and casual – being not quite awake adds a certain amount of flavor! But then to see the appreciation on the faces of staff and faculty as they treat themselves to a piece of quiche, or a smoked salmon sandwich, is everything. Park’s staff and faculty are amazing and they deserve every bite!” -Julie Deland (Faculty and Staff Appreciation Breakfasts)


  • Kelly Caiazzo, Park Perspectives Editorial Board

    The parent volunteers on the Park Perspectives Editorial Board write articles on current events at the School and matters of interest to the Park community for this quarterly newsletter. We are always looking to grow our team of volunteer writers and photographers. If you are interested in learning more, please contact communications@parkschool.org

The parent volunteers on the Park Perspectives Editorial Board write articles on current events at the School and matters of interest to the Park community for this quarterly newsletter. We are always looking to grow our team of volunteer writers and photographers. If you are interested in learning more, please contact communications@parkschool.org