And we’re back!
We’re excited to be returning as PA co-editors of Park Perspectives, working with Park staff and community members to bring you stories about Park. We love having the chance to learn more about the great things happening at our school and the people who make them happen. Our goal is to continue to use Park Perspectives as a way to celebrate all things Park, share knowledge with each other, and build community.
It feels good to have the wobbly first days of school behind us. Hopefully you found the summer restorative, with joyous memories made, and you’re at peace with the return to structure of the school routine. Some of our own summer highlights included hiking in the rain (there’s no bad weather, just bad wardrobe choices?) and fairy light dance parties with a house full of kids.
School year 2023–2024 offers so much to look forward to!
Kelly (Will ‘25 and Andrew ‘26) is looking forward to the productions of Players in the Park, which are always bursting with joy, humor and pride, and being an admissions tour guide. It renews her love of Park each time she shows a prospective family the school, and seeing her kids unexpectedly in the hallways or a classroom is a little like hearing your favorite song on the radio.
Nerissa (Sofia ‘25 and Javier ‘27) is thrilled to have both kiddos in the Upper Division together, and can’t wait for Park’s whole community gatherings. Events such as Picnic at Park and Yule Festival offer precious opportunities to feel part of the complete Park collective, to see the littlest and biggest students — the past, present, or future depending on where you are in your Park journey — together with their families.
We’re also grappling with the inevitable trepidation that comes with transitions and uncharted territory. Both of us have rising seventh graders who will be getting letter grades for the first time, and we’re daunted by the reality of homework, heavy backpacks, and the looming prospect of finding a secondary school that our families will love as much as Park. Oh, and that the love will be returned, which brings us in a circular loop back to being afraid of homework.
Finally, this year we really hope to engage more community members in driving the content of Park Perspectives. This publication is meaningful only if it reflects what you are interested in reading about. So let us know! Grab us in the hallway, text us, email us, communicate by way of interpretive dance across the theater at morning meeting — please share the beautiful things happening in your children’s classroom, or tell us what you want to know more about in our school or kids’ experiences. Guest writers and ideas for articles are always welcome!
Here’s to a great year at Park! We hope you find ways to become involved and connected within our Park community. Are you on your way to getting back to school Bingo?! Download the printable version here.
Nerissa Fry and Kelly Caiazzo
Park Perspectives PA Co-Editors