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Graduation 2024

Graduation 2024

2024 Graduation Supplement

In celebration of Park’s 135th Graduation exercises and the Class of 2024, the editors of the Park School Bulletin have created this very special Graduation 2024 supplement. Click the image to read it online via ISSUU and watch your mail for a printed keepsake copy! Keep Reading

Graduation 2024

Welcome – Scott Young, Head of School

Welcome.  Class of 2024, please take your seats. I want to welcome you all — faculty, staff, parents, guardians, grandparents, special friends, students, and alumni — to the 2024 Graduation Exercises. Today, we celebrate the class of 2024. Class of 2024, as eighth graders, you have been outstanding leaders. You have leaned into opportunities to… Keep Reading

Graduation 2024

Last Lesson – Ken Rogers, Upper Division Head

Good Morning. Although my title here at The Park School is the Upper Division Head, it is known as Principal at other schools. That term principal originally meant “principal teacher.” And so, it is as the division’s principal teacher that I take a moment to deliver your last lesson before you leave the Upper Division.… Keep Reading

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