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Spring 2019

Spring 2019

Head’s Lines: What Does it Mean to be a Student-Centered School?

For many, a student-centered approach to schooling is defined by caring relationships between teachers and students. It fosters images of a school where curricular, instructional, and procedural decisions are made by first considering the needs of the children and their developmental and educational journey. And, often we think of schools where students are known by… Keep Reading

Spring 2019

Building Empathy One Class at a Time

Dear Ms. Formisano, I think I should be on your empathy task force because empathy is important. When you are being empathetic you can take pressure and hurt that other people have and lift if off their back. I can offer lots of ideas. Here are a few: I think we can add to the… Keep Reading

Spring 2019

Takeaways from “Talking Tech 2.0” Program

On a chilly night in February, more than 80 Park community members – including students in Grades V-VIII, parents, and educators – came together to “talk tech” for a lively, fully-engaged three hours. The model we used mirrored an “ed camp,” in which all the participants talk and learn from each other instead of listening… Keep Reading

Spring 2019

Academic Program Review & Renewal

The capacity of an organization to undergo a program review and renewal process represents its willingness to reflect, learn, and grow. The challenge in this work is to combine what we have always done well with what we come to understand through our own experiences, best practices in the field, and student needs. This year,… Keep Reading

Spring 2019

Debunking Five Myths about the Secondary School Counseling Process

In Park’s Secondary School Counseling Office, we partner with students and families to provide the personalized tools and resources to identify high school options that will match and challenge individual interests and needs. Whether a student seeks a public or independent school, we offer guidance about all aspects of the search process. While we begin… Keep Reading

Spring 2019

Faculty Profile: Christian Porter

Christian Porter, Park’s Lower Division librarian, was six hard years into a literature PhD program when, in 2001, he decided that the world of traditional publish-or-perish academia was just not where he wanted to be. A career counselor asked if he’d ever considered teaching at an independent school. He hadn’t. But he began looking into… Keep Reading

Spring 2019

Q&A with Julie Mumford

Julie Mumford, LICSW, joined the Park staff this fall so that the park community would have access to mental health resources every day of the week. Julie is available for appointments at school on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30am to 3:30pm, in the office she shares with psychologist Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter. She and Olivia work on… Keep Reading

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