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Summer 2020

Summer 2020

Meet the New Faculty & Staff for 2020-21

Suzy Akin (Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications) Suzy Akin joined Park this summer as Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications. Suzy comes to us from Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY, where as director of communications she built and continually evolved a digital and print communications program to support all areas of Hackley’s K-12 community.… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

Head’s Lines: Park is More Than a Place

A Perfect Storm The spring of 2020 will be remembered for a perfect storm of a health crisis, a financial crisis, and a crisis of identity and justice. In 20 years, we will all remember where we were, who we were with, who we couldn’t be with, and what we could do, and what we… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

Robert Crawford ’14 To Address Park’s 131st Graduation

Robert Crawford (Park Class of 2014) returns to campus this year, at least virtually, as the 2020 graduation speaker. Robert embodies many of Park’s core values. He is humble, kind, and empathetic. He is also accomplished, smart, confident and athletic. He is wise beyond his years, and I could not help but walk away from… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

Congratulations, Class of 2020!

Congratulations to Park’s Class of 2020! While the end-of-year remote learning interrupted the students’ time on campus, their impact, and legacy remains strong. Their diverse secondary school choices reflect a class with a wide variety of passions, and each graduate leaves as a confident risk taker with a strong sense of self. Athletes, artists, academics,… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

A MidQuarantine Night’s Dream

“Good thing we’re doing The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged)”, I told the thirteen Grade 8 students as we gathered on the Thursday before Spring Break to say goodbye. “If we aren’t able to start rehearsals right away after the break,” I continued, “we can always ABRIDGE the play even more.” The Grade 8 Capstone… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

Pandemic Parenting

Alas, we find ourselves on an unprecedented and perilous stretch of “parenting road.” Fall turned to winter (with one lone snow day in December!), winter struggled to turn to spring, and now with summer just a breath away, we are all likely feeling a bit nostalgic about the familiar rhythms of 171 Goddard Avenue: drop-off… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

Quarantine: Reflections from the Park Community

This spring, as Park engaged in distance learning, we asked the parent community to share their quarantine experiences: How are you doing? What have you learned? Silver linings? Surprises? What has been most difficult? Who or what has been especially comforting or helpful? We’ve stayed sane by walking, and have become experts at going out in… Keep Reading

Summer 2020

A Pilot Year for Enrichment at Park

  It’s a Thursday afternoon in November. A small group of third, fourth, and fifth graders hurry over to the door of the Small Gym to welcome families for the final performance in the Haitian Dance class. This group of dedicated dancers is ready to share what they’ve practiced for nine weeks with teacher Jean… Keep Reading

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