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Winter 2021

Winter 2021

Moments of Humanity

Ken Rogers shared this message with Park faculty and staff as the School prepared to head off on Winter Break 2021. Life on the top floor of an apartment building means you need quite a head start and you better have everything with you before heading four floors down to your car in the garage.… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

Head’s Lines: Rising to Opportunity

Everywhere you turn these days it seems someone is talking about “returning to normal,” or to “the new normal,” or pointing out that maybe, the old “normal” wasn’t all that great. Surely, we all yearn for a return to daily patterns not shaped by concerns about COVID-19, yet we also recognize that elements of our… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

The Park Math Program: Joyful Learning in Lower Division

If you enter a Lower Division math class at Park, you are likely to see students puzzling through a variety of different activities. Maybe the teacher has posed the question, “Which one doesn’t belong?” with this image (right): You may hear answers ranging from “9, because it’s the only one digit number, “43, since it’s… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

Fifth Grade Citizen Scientists to the (Turtle) Rescue!

Under the careful supervision of science teacher Meg Armour, fifth graders at Park are assisting with conservation efforts for critically threatened Blanding’s Turtles. Moose and Nugget (thoughtfully named by the students after a lengthy selection process) are part of the Hatchling and Turtle Conservation Through Headstarting (HATCH) program, which places newly hatched turtles into classrooms… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

Drama at Park Teaches Skills and Builds Identity

Park’s after-school drama program could be the most entertaining form of project-based learning at Park. There are swords, ambushes, and wizardry. There’s even a dragon. Thirty-seven Upper Division students participated in the fall production of The Hobbit, and it was as much about building life skills as it was sword-play and fun. “Any training you… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

‘Tis the Season…for Books!

For any season or time of giving, the Park Library naturally believes that books make the best gifts. We are therefore delighted to offer Best of the Year suggestions for readers of all ages in our community.  This year, our recommendations are inspired and informed by our newest library collection initiative: BIPOC 365. Acknowledging the… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

Author Emily Oster On Data-Driven Parenting

On November 9, the Park community welcomed author Emily Oster as the first guest in the Parents’ Association Speaker Series of the 2021-22 year. Emily Oster is a Professor of Economics at Brown University and the author of three books that analyze the data behind choices in pregnancy and parenting, including Expecting Better, Cribsheet, and… Keep Reading

Winter 2021

One Parent’s Experience with SEED

Park is pleased to announce the continuation of the Parent SEED program in 2021-22, inviting parents and guardians to participate in a personal development program designed to equip participants to connect their lives to one another and to society at large by acknowledging systems of power, oppression, and privilege. Last year, participants found the experience… Keep Reading

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