Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Remembering the Lessons of History in Grade 7

As we near the end of another academic year at Park, we’re excited to share about a new Grade 7 initiative: the Memorial Project. Driven by a desire to instill a deeper connection to American history beyond the textbook, Dave Perry envisioned a project that would encourage reflection, empathy, and a sense of civic duty.… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Park Picks 2024: Discover a New Book!

If you’re an avid reader or simply looking for some captivating books to dive into, look no further than Park Picks: a resourceful initiative brought to you by Park Librarians! This collection is designed to inspire faculty, staff, and parents alike to explore many of the newest and most noteworthy books of the past year.… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Spring Athletics Season Wrap-Up

This spring, there we had tremendous interest in the athletic program. With our students’ desire to participate in spring sports, we made a Varsity and JV team for our Girls’ Lacrosse, Softball, Ultimate Frisbee, and Track and Field program. Even with the weekly rainy weather, the teams worked hard in practices developing sports-specific and teamwork… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Winter Athletics Season Wrap-Up

This past winter, the athletic teams at Park School gained valuable experiences on the basketball court and ice rink. The teams worked hard in practices developing sports-specific skills and learning to work together as a team. Throughout the season, they worked on incorporating what they learned in team competition and put forth effort regardless of… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Our New Faculty & Staff Members Look Back

As the 2023-2024 school year draws to a close, we asked some of our new faculty and staff members and those in new roles to reflect on their experiences at Park. Their insights provide a glimpse into the Park community and the joys of connecting with students and colleagues. From events like Grandparent’s and Special… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Let Us Show You Around!

Park’s volunteer tour guides for prospective families share their favorite places to show on their tours.  If you wander Park’s halls mid-morning from about October through February, you may encounter a volunteer tour guide quietly observing a classroom with prospective parents in tow, or enthusiastically extolling the merits of the maker space or woodshop as… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Tuesday Talk: Head of School Scott Young on Kindness

This year, Park’s Upper Division established a new tradition of “Tuesday Talks,” when adult members of the community share their own stories and perspectives with students on topics they believe students will find meaningful. Recently, Head of School Scott Young shared his own “Tuesday Talk” on the topic of “kindness.” His talk has been adapted… Keep Reading

Spring 2024

Lighting the Lamp: Coaches at Park

It’s 5:45 a.m. when Jim O’Keefe ‘91 pulls out of his driveway. He’s en route to coach Varsity Ice Hockey practice and is in high spirits despite the early hour and frigid temperature. “Some of my favorite childhood memories are from when I was an athlete at The Park School,” says Jim. “I want to… Keep Reading

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