It All Starts With…DEIB

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Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) is one of three core values at Park. Our newly shared definition of DEIB at Park informs our collective understanding and purpose of the work at Park:

Park is a diverse and compassionate community committed to belonging. Learners are supported in developing self-knowledge and awareness, considering differing viewpoints and experiences, and advocating for justice. Park pursues equity and inclusion through listening, learning, and creating shared practices and policies that honor and support the lived experiences of all.

Earlier this month, the DEIB Office was thrilled to put our values into action through a workshop on inclusive classroom practices. We were delighted to welcome renowned DEIB facilitator Rosetta Lee back to Park to lead a collective skill-building and learning opportunity for our faculty and staff. Rosetta spent time sharing what developmentally appropriate support for students in grades PreK through Grade 8 looks like. Participants engaged in thoughtful discussion and sharing and began the academic year with a lens toward creating inclusive practices, and spaces that foster students’ sense of belonging.

– Alile EldridgeDirector of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging


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